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Jennifer Schultz

Star Consultant

(443) 742-9528

My Story

Thank you for coming to check out my personal Scentsy website! I honestly joined Scentsy on a whim! I was looking to supplement our family income to help pay for my son’s horseback riding lessons and my daughter’s Preschool. I loved the products, and I thought I can do this, or I can at least try! 😆Since I originally joined, I have since fallen in love with the Scentsy community and connecting with new people! I love the challenge of constantly learning and doing what I enjoy most with my business which is spoiling my customers!

I love that Scentsy fragrances make me feel like I’m going on an adventure in my own home and with 2 kids and 2 dogs who doesn’t welcome some fresh scents! Jammy Time and Blue Grotto were the two fragrances that made me fall in love with Scentsy!

Why Auntie Jen Aromas? My husband is in the Navy, and we were fortunate to spend some time living in Hawaii! We loved every minute of Hawaii and soaked in all that Aloha spirit. In Hawaii Auntie is a term of an endearment that extends past family members. I want to be your Scentsy Auntie and really share my love of our products with everyone! So, Mahalo for being here with me!

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